New Clips …….

Good Evening,

I have uploaded two new clips………The Burning Wheel…..Ball Abuse and Ball Busting  &   Rubber Trampling……Human Body Suffers Mistresses Heels.

I will be working on the new preview this week for my members area,it will cover all areas that I MISTRESS ATHENA PLAYS IN,i only play in areas i enjoy,and will not play in areas i DO NOT just for financial gain,that is not how I operate.

I hope you enjoy my films as much as i enjoyed making them,Mistress would also like to add that i am very touched and happy for all the kind and wonderful emails and phone calls i have received of late,on the subject of my BDSM  play,and what i have been bringing to you all.

New photos from my clips uploaded with this blog……Good Night & God-Bless Mistress Athena xoxo