N Y Bitch


Good afternoon,for some reason there seems to be new subs coming threw the chamber doors,maybe this might be that i am availlable in leeds now,or it just maybe that more people are finding me,i am not sure,but were have the long standing subs gone i ask myself have we had a cross over leeds is not a million miles away ok.

The tital of the blog N Y Bitch is my newest sub to my stable,and up untill me had only sessioned with Mistresses accross the pond NewYork to be precise,but well he could not resist the captivating look of myself and the powerful words that read upon my site.

Well was he disapointed ………………..can a spider eat a elephant……. no it cannot and no he was not,ny bitch like the fear factor,the helplessness,the not knowing and thats exactly what he got and more,stripped down and strapped up laid bare and helpless he beacame a slave of MistressAthena leedsMistress