My New Puppets

Good evening,all my loyal slaves and followers,

As i said yesterday i was so busy i did not have time to write a blog,well that is a little white lie,the truth is i was two exhausted to write a blog after a bloody busy day,with one thing and another,i was also learning how to edit films,and the whole picture thing that you also have to do,very tiring work to say the least,but as usual i have conquered it,and i know no the basics,my next lesson is tomorrow evening,and i am thinking it will take me about four more goes before i am up to the standards i want to be,because film maker i am not,Dominatrix i am.

My grammar and spelling as never been much cop,but that does not bother me in the slightest,lol as i said before i am a elite Dominatrix and creative should really be my middle name,and an author i do not want to be,and as long as you can all read it then onwards and upwards.

I had more equipment delivered yesterday,and i am having fun with my new piece of dungeon furniture,great piece of kit,i had a family birthday today,and it was a great as all birthdays in my family,laughter and tears,but not broken plates.

I had my new puppet in today,my Bondage Pet,we played at the Chamber Of Depravation in Leeds,it was a great rapport with one another from the of,so i knew it would be a wonderful session which it was.

It was heavy bondage from the start,with ropes and being physically unable to move,just the way i like them,tormented and teased and at times punishment for again not listening,but on a whole a great session,so Slave Bondage Pet welcome to my stable.

I am in the Chambers Of Depravation in Leeds tomorrow for the day,i have no availability until 3pm as i will be busy playing in the chambers with other subs until that time,so if you would like to come into play after this time,then do call first thing in the morning as i will more than likely not have the availability as the day goes on.

I will upload another picture from my film,,Rubber Mistress Hand,slipper and Singapore Stinger Tawes Huddersfield Mistress Athena Leeds Mistress Athena 07990761324 Stand up and be counted M.A.