Good afternoon what an eventful evening and morning i have had,its been all go,
Last night i was over at the Chambers Of Depravation Leeds for some play time with my new sub Mr Tickle,well thats what he is know known as,once you have been named you are in my stable,we had lots of fun and had alot of giggles,as i dominated this poor little creature,i also tickled the hell out of him,dragged my finger nails down his skin,in all areas,and deprived him of any type of anything.
He was placed in the bodybag,ears plugged and eyes blindfolded,i made him happy then sad then happy then sad,then mocked him and made myself happy by watching over this confused little paly thing.
This morning it was time to see Slave wrestler,normally we would do alot outside,but today it was purley a domestic setting,putting all my weight on him,making him feel the strenght of a powerful woman,jumping up and down hard on his thighs,untill he could take no more.
Then it was of for lunch with slave blackas,and the lunch was wonderful,diet out of the window,as i had cajun chicken,then back to the chambers in huddersfield once more for some filming.
I have finaly got a spare moment and know its wasted on you all writing this blog,at the moment you are all getting more of my time than me,but this wont be the case for ever so be warned.
The second part to The Two Idiots will be up on my sites this evening,if there is anything you would like to see me film within reason then do send an email.
I am availlable as usual at the Huddersfield Chambers or the Leeds Chambers do call on 07990761324 .