MistressAthenas Potion

Good Morning i am going to tell you about MistressAthena potion,its just a little something that i had made for me,a mixture of things really,it is alot like deep heat but its got more of a kick and no one else has it.

So i had liquid in my sub,an once i had restrained him to my rack i got out my potion and rubbed it all over his balls,lol i new that it would not take effect for a while,so i decided to then insert the kneedles threw the skin in his balls,now this came with just a little pain not much but a little all the same,i no he was thinking that the pain was over an that was all he had to endure,but that was not to be the case,because now the potion was about to take effect and that it did.

He was moaning with an groaning not really knowing what was happening,and i just looked on with a wicked smile accross my face.

The intensity in the room was magnificent,and it was a show for me to watch,because the kneedles them selfs had been lightly coated in the potion also,which ment,he could feel it inside and out.

He laughed an the moaned he didnt quiter no what to do with one self,but he knew he had to gain brownie points from me so he took it like any devoted slave would.

After the session we talked an he told me that it was a really differnt feeling but one he enjoyed thanks M.A.