
Good Morning,i do not understand if some of you are really brain dead or some of you just do not read my blog,its probably the first one,but either way i said i would not be in the chambers yesterday and what happens,my phone does not stop ringing with endless requests to my receptionist to see if any of you could come in for a sesssion.

My new site MistressAbduction has gone live at www.mistressabduction.com take a look enjoy the pictures,i have a kidnapp to do early next week which i am so looking forward to,many of you that i have known for along time or read this blog maybe not into the big abduction scene,but many people are,as i get endless requests for it,well now ive put it into action and cannot wait to get started.

I will be availlable as usual and my late nights are still doing well for those night owls M.A. MISTRESSATHENA 07990761324