Mistress & Slave

MistressAthena at her castle

Good evening,

I would just like to give you a little insight into the way i as a Mistress expects it to be between Mistress & Slave.

I expect for a slave to no from the get go that i am the controller and hey are the controlled,i expect 100% from a slave at all times,i donot expect a slave to try to top from the bottom,this is a definate no no for me.

He or she should allways be respectful and respect my boundries as a Mistress.

They should never ask about any side of my private or personal situations unless i have given them reason to do so.

I do not treat a slave as a peice of shit,unless however he or she has crossed me,i do however treat them as a confused soul on the road to slavery and that is were i am taking them.

For slaves however can be treated differnt in the vanilla world if there slavery is found out,they get called names and treat differntley,this should not happen only by the Mistress.

Everyone is entitled to do and be what they want to be,as long as no one is getting hurt in the process,we are free to live how we want and to seek what ever it is we are seeking.

I am not a prostitute and DO NOT offer any type of sexual services if you want that then go else were as i do not have time for idiots even being disrespectful enough to even ask.

So i hope you have all had an insight to myself MistressAthena and i am availlable all week if you would like top come and play M.A.