Mistress gets WET

I said in an earlier blog that i had a funny storie to tell,well hear it is,

Monday night i had a sub of mine in,but this sub is like no other and what he likes is quite different,i have known him a very long time so we have a friendship also.

My sub like to sit on benches outside in full view of people while sat on my knee,it started behind closed doors and then with a push from myself MistressAthena i got him out into the world for all to see.

Now monday night was a night with a difference it was very cold the wind was wild and i knew that there was rain coming,but i also thought that it would not come untill Mistress was home……..how wrong was I.

Whilst sat on the bench i heard from the distance the heavens open and within a second the storm hit,i could not belive how fast and furious it came down,my car was parked within a two second walk,but it didn’t matter i may as well have been init for an hour,i was soaked from head to toe,along with my slave,rain was dripping of my nose and hair and when we reached the car all we did was look at each other and crack out laughing,he should of bin punished but it was such a funny time i decided against it M.A.

HuddersfieldMistressAthena YorkshireMistressAthena