Miss Penny

Just as i said earlier in my last blog i would be back to tell you some more about Miss Penny,and as true to my word hear it is.

Miss Penny is now in full clothes head to toes in lacey underwear,[what she had stolen from me remember]and sexy stockings,she had a lace skirt just above her knees,and a shifon blouse that tied above her waist,and most of all she has now just been cuffed to chair and legs spread,ready for me to applie my makeup an turn her in to an insatiable woman.

I first applie a fine coat of foundation,so that it even around her face,once i see that every blemish has an even tone,i applied the second coat,now this is for the ultra glam look.

Now that i am satisfied i turn my attention to the cheeks and take a small amount of glossy cheek blush and with my index finger i smooth it on,i make the cheeks look like the stand out from the face,i see the transformation happening and she starting to look amazing.

I now move on to the eyes and take a deep shade of blue and a light shade of blue,we want the double tone that pow around the eyes and i must say it looks fabulous,i then proceed with the black eyeliner both above and below the eyes,and also the eye brows to make a wonderful shape.

Last but not least the pout,the lipstick is applied and voila^ its magic……….

The long brown locks are placed and the black heeled shoes and Miss Penny is born,the session did carry on and on,and she was punished firmly over my knee for the underwear situation,but as i say i do never divulge the whole senario………a tex i later received from Miss Penny and it reads……
Just to say a huge thanks for today,
i cant remember the last time i felt
this relaxed,all my stresses have gone away,
cant wait to see you again Penny x……….So you see slaves this is what makes me tick and makes my bdsm world so worth while M.A.

HuddersfieldMistressAthena www.athenasrealm.net YorkshireMistressAthena