Long Day

Good evening,this is a short blog as i am exhausted,its been a long day and i have been filming for my new members site,i would just like to say that those of you that i have had to turn away over the last few days because of other comitments,do no get disheartend,as i will get to see you its just i have been on a very tight schedule,i am in the chambers tommorow but am nearly fully booked so i am not sure if you will get in tommorow neither.

I did however manage to fit one session in today but that is because he has been booked in for a while,you can do nothing more than try,i am definatly worth the wait,i no its the big royal wedding tommorow,but its not for me,all tho i have thought about wrapping a uniion jack around myself and sending a picture to the blog lol.

So like i said i am in the chambers tommorow but i may not be able to give you a session as i have alot of sissys and little runts to play with,i will be availlable saturday,but not sunday and then back again bank holiday monday M.A. My MistressAbducion site goes live tommorow MistressAthena 07990761324