Good evening all,
It makes Mistress very happy to receive emails telling me how you all look forward to my blogs,i enjoy letting you all in on what i have been up to,but not going into two much detail and boring the living crap out of you,with every thing,just enough to make your toes curl haha.
As sadistic as i am i do have a very nice side and with all my long term slaves they have seen this when i have awarded them Mistress points,and allowed them to worship my feet,or given them the honour of accompanying me somewhere.
Which is the case this evening with slave willing,he is my chaperone too Club Pedestal,one of the reasons for me being in London.
I will tell you all about the fetish night and what happened on my next blog
I am also staying in a very suave hotel in Westminster and will be getting pampered,and also whilst here doing some filming,Mistress Anuska is along for the fetish fun and i have Miss Wilson and one of her friends coming along also.
I wanted to say thank you to Mr J for my beautiful boots from my wish list stunning love them,the smile on my face when i opened the box lit the room up,and also to the other unknown admirers for my clincher and books.
I will put a picture up for you Mr J in my boots at some point
When i receive mail like this is makes my filming and what i am bring to you worth while.
A serious shame you are so far away you know! Seen you in some videos so a big compliment to you. Some of the outfits you have are amazing and ‘could not care less’ attitude more so in the video I watched.
So basically this is simply a serious compliment to you!
So I will upload a picture with this blog smiling to show how happy I am at the moment.
My Amazon wish list has now been up-dated
Also i have made a custom clip for one of my admirers which is boot worship,he also purchased me the boots in this clip so thank you,your black boots clip is now live.
I will be back with Pedestal antics very soon
Clips gone live are Boot Worship Spit Ash Lick Custom Clip & Cruel Cold Strapping of the Hands
Quote of the day
Mistress Athena
Leeds Mistress
Huddersfield Mistreess