Good afternoon,
I am getting the time to write my blog during the day for once,it happens every once in a while,
Well what can i say all you from down south that have bombarded me with requests for me to come to london to session is finally happining,BUT ITS FOR 1 DAY ONLY,if you are the type of slaves i like to play with,then who nos i might return once a month we will have to see.
I will be in london just of baker street for 1 day only on the 4th of august,it will be splashed all over my site tommorow so those of you that read my blog will get to make a booking first,i no that i will get booked up pretty dam fast as i am bogged down with subs calling an asking me if i will ever be in london,so if you would like to see me then you must either email me,followed my telephone conversation,or just by telephone on 07990761324.
I am very excited about coming to the big city to unleash my wrath on you all,and i will promise it will not be one to be missed M.A. 07990761324