London antics by Mistress Athena

Good afternoon to you all,

Mistress arrived back from London yesterday but with all the travelling the only thing i wanted to do was chill out and watch crap on tv,which i did until the wee hours,in fact my eyes was closing but like with everything else if i have started something i keep going until its finished and that was the same with a very intense thriller i was watching, but the ending was not worth it by any means,a frigging let down.

So  London well what fun i had,i arrived there Friday afternoon and went straight to the wonderful hotel i was staying at with Mistress Anuska and i must say it was a lovely place and a fantastic room.

As always food is never far from my mind so room service was called,then i got myself sorted out and went of to film with slave willing,whilst Mistress Anuska took in some of the sites.

Later on in the evening it was time to get ready for club Pedestal which i may add depending on how im feeling can take between 10 minutes or 2 hours haha but it was the latter this time,once ready I had a small alcoholic beverage and we set of.

Club Pedestal was a fun night and i did play,i also met some wonderful Mistresses and spoke with some people who i had not seen for a while,Mistress Anuska knew quite alot of people in there after being a Pedestal veteran for a long time,so all in all it was a great night.

I am not one to stay until the bitter end and left around 3 back to the hotel to get my much needed sleep for the drive home the following day.

I am back playing in the chambers later today but have no availability,if you would like to contact me then do call on 07990761324.

Clips have gone live over the weekend otk brush spanking

Mistress Athena

Huddersfield Mistress

Leeds Mistress