Listen And Learn

Good evening,

Today started of as usual with the pooch [Miss Daisy Duke] being her boisterous little self,and running me ragged,Morning times are hard work in my house at the moment,but i am sure very soon she will be trained.

I then got a call from a sub i havent seen in a long time wanting to come in practically straight away,so of course i like to crack the whip,and i wanted to punish him dearly for not showing his pathetic face for a while,but the reason was he thought i was based in Leeds the majority of the time [I AM BASED IN MY FULLY WELL EQUIPT CHAMBERS IN HUDDERSFIELD],SO HEY HO HE WAS WRONG,BUT THATS NOT HARD AS HES JUST NOT THAT BLOODY BIRGHT.

Well the moral of the storie is he cancels just on the minute he should have been walking through the chamber doors,now this has not happened to me for a very long time,i don’t have time wasters or if any one is cancelling it would be in ample time,so there is only one thing for it,as his excuse was not the best a lie i think,he’s been struck of from me,and i will never have him in the chambers again.

Let this be a warning to you all,i demand respect and loyalty and if you do not want to give that then i am not the MISTRESS for you,move on.

My time is very valuable and it’s not hear to be wasted by you or anyone else.

My discount day is still the 6th of october from 10am untill 5pm,i have just purchased some new toy and a fantastic water sports funnel,it’s all fun and games in the chamber.

I am available now monday as the chambers are booked this evening,and i am away tomorrow,back sunday but the chambers are busy with me again,so i will be available from Monday 10am.