Leeds MistressAthena plays out

Good Morning all,today was my day to play out,well thats what i like to call it when i take a sub out of the chamber and into the vanilla world.
I had my little slave tooti fruiti with me yesterday afternoon and i wanted him to do some shopping for me,so i put his chasity device on,and his collor and sent him out to the supermarket,without him knowing or feeling i had a placed a big white peice of paper on his back,which had written on it,property of MistressAthena if found please call this number.
So of he went with the shopping list and i stayed at home with my cup of tea and waited maybe 5 to 10 minutes,i then got in my car and drove to the super market,on my arrival my phone started to ring and it was of my close freinds and she was saying had i lost something,i asked her why what was it she thought i had lost,and then she burst into fits of laughter and told me that she had just seen tooti fruti with a sign on his back saying what i said earlier and being told to call my number,well that really made my day my planned had worked and he had been noticed.
I went into the supermarket but stayed just far enougfh away for him not to see me,just to make sure he was acting apropriate and doing as Mistress had asked.
The day went on for quite a while but its nothing i am going to tell you all some more about.
After it was the over to Leeds to slave clause whome had not been through the chamber doors for nearly 6 months,so he new it was going to be one of those sessions were nothing he could say would make up for the time span that had gone on,and him not being in to see his Mistress.
Before he new what had a hit him he was hoisted up by his ancles on the suspension and punished with differnt impliments and swung back and fourth with a great big lash from the cat of nine tails everytime he swung in my direction.
The session was iventful to say the least but yet again you will not no about it,it was all go as then yet another sub of mine whome had been caught smoking in the classroom of his boarding school had to be punished,so i didnt get home untill nearly midnight again M.A.