Leeds Mistres Busy Bee

Good afetrnoon,my little play things,
i have beem so busy yesterday in the chambers that i had to say no to a few of you trusty slaves,which no is not normally in my vocabulary unless you are wanting to do something Mistress dosnt want.
It was quite hectic to say the least but as always worth it all tho yesterday i never got into my king size bed untill 3am,and my poor little feet was killing me.

I was back again at the leeds chambers at 8 30 this morning for a session with donna the dirty diva,and wow does she like to suck **** lol,upside down and going like bull to a rag.

I have been relaxing all afternoon and i will be all refreshed in the morning,ao its buisness as usual for myself leeds MistressAthena and for any of you lucky spiders that want to get stuck to me web M.A.

LeedsMistressAthena www.mistress-athena.com 07990761324