Leeds Chamber of deprivation

Good evening all,today as been a hectic day as i have lots to fit in with sessions and my own things that needed to be done.

I started of at the gym at 8 30 this morning it makes me feel alive when i have finished and ready to take on the world,then it was sraight home for a shower and then getting everything togeather that i was taking to the leeds chambers.

I arrived at the leeds chambers and it was straight into my first session,with a new sub,i have not yet named him as i can not quite think of the right name for him yet,but i will call him chasity for now,because he arrived wearing one,and i would let him take it of,nor would i take it of the whole session,its more fun that way,there is a fine line between pain and pleasure when you are in chasity.

He was punnished tho for the red underwear he came in,as he had not asked my permision preveious if he could were this,also i wanted to play with his mind,full on head fuck is what i like to call it,pardon my frence as i am not one to swear in session i dont think it is needed.

From leeds i went shopping one of my favourite pass times,for new furniture,then after this some more punnishment for slave torment for not doing his weekly email,naughty slave,then i had some time with my close friend dawn,who i have started to see quite alot of once again and are time is just full of laughter. M.A. Leeds/huddersfield