Good afternoon,i am going to tell you about my new creature,one that i have created,and one that lkooks amazing in latex which you will all see with the pictures i put on for you.
My latex creature went and had a latex suit made from made to measure in a purple latex,and let me inform you all it fit like a glove.
I love latex and love the feeling even tho it can become very hot when wearing,its a feeling that i get from it i carnt quite explan,but what i also love is to see someone else wrapped in moving around its magnificent.
When my latex creature was in the chambers yesterday taking his punnishment with is back arched and his bum up right it looked wonderful,when i spanked him against the latex and also he had the effect of the implement hitting the latex then touching him,sheer bliss.
Well followers enough about it time to see the pictures enjoy M.A.