Good Morning,i can not quite belive it that i am up at this early time,as i did not leave the chambers untill 1am this morning,i know the reason tho,my new pet pooch beautiful to look at but what a nightmare,she attacks from 7am and does not stop untill I get up lol.
Well i had the pleasure of play time with one of my more masochist subs in last night,we have been playing together for quite some time now,and every session seems to be more and more intense,and boundaries are pushed on each occasion.
The session was for a lengthy three hours and it was full on play the whole time,we indulged in anal stretching,and extreme needle play,the positions i had my sub in was wild and exciting.
I have indulged a lot in sewing with this slave and last night we took it to a new level when i sewed his lips together,i am what you call a sadist but i do also like the fun side to bdsm,so do not let this scare you of,it’s just to remind you all that i am what you call a serious dom in the femdom world.
I am now on twitter ad i do write my goings on throughout the day quite regular so if you are intrigued to see what Mistress is up to then click on the twitter icon at the top of my site and it will bring you straight two me.
I am not available for sessions today as i do not like to over push myself as i do not think then that you give your all as a mistress to your sub,so i have taken my subs in for today,but i am available tomorrow and every day apart from thursday evening M.A.
HuddersfieldMistressAthena YorkshireMistressAthena