Good Morning followers,I used to be able to write you a blog on an evening,but i do not seem to be getting in from the chambers untill late so now as you see the blogs are being wrote on a morning when i have the time,so do not fret they may note be as frequent but i will try to write as much as a i can.
I had a pain slut in yesterday who really was in to anything at all and i mean anything,which ment i could do or play with anything i wanted to,we have a board which is made out of thick wood,which i place your penis in the middle of and clamp it down and then chain it around your waist,it then has places were you can attach the electrics to and well what can i say about this contraption apart from genius,not only is one in a akward bind but it dosnt stop there from when the electrics have been put into place.
I also got to play with the new sounds which are very thin and have a very big curve added to them,very differnt to the ones i have used before,but they are great to say the least,it was a very interesting session and allowed me to be quite sadastic.
Along with others i never returned home untill 10pm as i never came out of the chamber untill late,but iit was a very fun and interesting day M.A. I am leaving in the next half hour as i have to be in leeds for more play time but do have some free time later M.A. LEEDSMISTRESSATHENA 07990761324