Late evenings


Good evening my blogs are not everyday as i wished them to be,but they are every other day you lucky things you.
I did not get home untill midnight last night,and my last session was that of a very hard face head teacher,who was giving out some serious discapline to a naughy pupil of mine,who could not keep his eyes from wandering,but the pupil was not looking at his fellow pupils but his superiors.

He was put threw the drills of the school,before being conducted to a plimsole followed by otk then a caning,i think he will think twice maybe three times before he looks anywere he is not supposed to again.

I would just like to say that those of you that i have not had the time to session with do not be dis hearted just keep trying.

My members site is still on the dead line for easter to be launched M.A. leeds/mistressathena 07990761324 chambers of deprivation