Good morning,I bet your all thinking this blog is early,well that’s because I swim on a morning and then thought I would bless you all with a blog from me lucky you.
Well header itching powder,that is what I am in the process of purchasing,and it all fell in to place when I had slave 21 in.
You see what happend was after he had been strapped to the bench to take his punishment,he became very wriggley,trying to move his legs,looking very uncomfatable,which I found highly amusing to say the least,when I eventually asked what the problem was he said that his ancles was itching,and he couldn’t control it,after quite along while I had 2 release him so he could scratch himself and that he did over an over lol,it turned out the new detergent that is used on the restraints,and him being hot had made a reaction.
So I got to thinking about how much I had just seen him suffer and what a great way for punishment,not only that it was sheer amusment for me,so I have now found were to purchase itching powder so be very afraid lol M.A