Insignificant …….

Good Morning All,

Mistress will not make this a long blog as i am due in the Chambers very soon,and will be there until the evening,which i hope to tell you all about tomorrow,time permitting.

So this week has been a roller-coaster week,due to things that happened around family,which made other things insignificant,as you all no my family means the world to me and sometimes other things must go on hold,so things can get sorted out.

But i am happy to say it has been,for those of you that no,and i am back to my wonderful Mistress antics,i have cancelled,turned away and put on hold sessions with quite a few of you,but now its playtime again,i am busy all day today,and tomorrow,i have Monday day free,but again busy in the evening,but them back to normal from Tuesday until Friday for those of you wanting to have a session.

I will be meeting up with the lovely Mistress Anuska again early next week,i can tell you that her new site is well under way so keep your eyes peeled for this,i am not sure when it will go live,or when she will make her return,but i can tell you that she will be back,which i no will make some of you very happy,as i have been getting emails after emails about her,but i must say she plays alone and can not be contacted through me,all tho i am able to pass on messages.

The clips that have gone live are Horrific Caning & Underwater down you go….Breath Play stills from this footage will be up with this blog.

Mistress must now get ready to leave and will be back with Mistress Antics soon……

Huddersfield & Leeds Dominatrix Mistress Athena   07990761324