Good Afternoon,all my loyal and wonderful subs and followers,
As you will have realised i did not write a blog yesterday this was due two not getting back from the Chambers of Depravation in Leeds until late,and then having my new virgin put on and not being able to go on-line until this morning,i have known left sky because i thought with what i am doing now virgin would be better for me.
I have been so busy of late that these bloody feet of mine are going two need a full day of pampering,between sessions and filming,and working on-line,and phone domination,and then my own things that i love two do,long walks,horse riding,keeping fit its been hard trying two fit it all in.
I am getting there how ever after another lesson today in editing slowly but surely.
So title who the Cap fits,well reading between the lines is very easy for me,i can read people like an open book,and when reading something i can really read the meaning,so that is just something i wanted two get out there,so like i said who the cap fits,then bloody wear it.
My Abductions are going great and i will be specializing in longer sessions in the Leeds Chambers Of Depravation,also in Corporal Punishment,this is because subs have come forward and let me no that they would like to see more of this with me,i can administrate a great caning so be warned lol.
Now i have had lots of new subs as well as old into the chambers,whilst in Leeds it shocks me sometimes how the new subs have never come across either I or the Leeds Chambers before as both are all over the internet,and these new subs in the chambers have never crossed the threshold before strange,but hey hoe they have found me and the Chambers now so not to worry.
Well then yesterday i had the pleasure of sessioning with MistressDavina,after knowing her so long and being in the Chambers at the same time we have never sessioned together before,but yesterday we did,and what can i say wow,hours of fun and we jelled so well,she is a fantastic Domina and it was like a match made in heaven.
I am busy all day tomorrow with sessions but i am free on Sunday,so if anyone would like to come in and play at my Chamber in Huddersfield or the Leeds Chambers then do call on 07990761324
Two new films on my film sites Wash my ash down with my Saliva
Rubber Mistress administrates a harsh caning