Good Evening,all my loyal and humble slaves and followers,
Well i did say earlier i was taking the day of,to relax and chill out,but the need to go into the chambers and play was two strong.
I did however realise that i did not have a cold,and it was either a bug or just maybe run down a little,not quite sure,but i do no i feel as fresh as a daisy now,mind over matter i say.
The massage however did happen and as soon as i arrived back from Leeds i was laid out on the massage bed,and having hot stones placed on my back,wonderful.
Now as i am busy for the rest of the week,excluding Friday,one of my many slaves wanted to see me,these slaves that have managed to earn my trust,i will always make the time for,so him being a stickler for uniforms,and Role-play,what better than Officer Powers.
It was a fantastic session,i really am a chameleon and i can change into anything at any time,Now this male had stumbled into the army barracks,and tried to feed me some pathetic stories,how he fell of the beaten track.
I Officer Powers have been trained in interrogation,and knew only two well the face of a lier,and how to get the truth.
First came the verbal interrogation
Then the physical interrogation
Finally the punishment,until i had all the answers to my questions laid out in front of me,i will always make them comply to my demands.
Covered in Jam and thrown into a pit of Rats,not a nice place to be………
I will upload some pictures from the session,which took place in the Chambers Of Depravation Leeds.
I am also back in London at the end of this month,but this time with a few of my girlfriends accompanying me,should be fun Excited Mistress.
New clip at my clip store….Steel Heel Trampling,hard trampling.
As many of you no,my members area is under massive construction,and will be until the end of April or there about’s,so you will not be able to join,until it goes live again,i just want to bring the
best,and as i am know for my high standards,i would not want to bring you anything less than perfection.
So know to get back to other matters i have to attend to,like the bubble bath that is waiting for me Mistress Athena xoxo
Huddersfield Mistress Athena Leeds Mistress Athena