I am the one in charge

Good evening all.as you can see i am trying to write a blog every evening even tho i am tierd after a long day,i seem so busy alate wether it be in the chambers or on a differnt progect,but you are so worth while how can i resist,as i do like to play with your minds on hear,letting you all no what i have or what i will be up to,an then knowing that all you can do is read it,as i am not in ur presence at that time hahaha evil i no,but i love it.

The title I am in charge which is myself MistressAthena the one an only,means what its says i am the controller,,,,,,the shephard if you like an you are my sheep,there can only be one leader an the rest must follow,an you all must follow never asking questions,never answering back just doing as i say always,,,,so come with me in to my world an lets explore bdsm M.A.