Home Work Tasks for Gina

Good Morning all,


Last week saw Mistress trying to get into the Huddersfield Dungeon as much as possible,  It seemed like for some reason as soon as I was of  attending to things outside of the Dungeon more of you little subs would be calling asking to come in, I did however see as many of you as I could.

Mistress has limited availability this week as I am going on a road trip tomorrow evening and will be back in the Dungeon Friday evening.


Mistress loves her road trips, This one in particular I get to visit for different places I want to see, Setting of late tomorrow evening driving through the night, then driving again Wednesday afternoon and then again Thursday making two stops on my way back.

I shall keep you all up to date on my journey on here and my twitter feed.

So Gina Eleise was in Huddersfield to report to Mistress.

We have been on a journey and Mistress has been teaching and learning Gina how to become the perfect slave #SlaveTraing

She is very eager to learn and excels in most things.


We have started at the basics and we are slowly going over every aspect that she needs to learn.

This week she has been given some homework tasks to keep her mind focused on Mistress when away from the Dungeon.

I must say I have had daily reports since I gave them to her, And she is doing well.

Also I decided to work on her trust, How much trust she has for her Mistress.

This was done by taking away her freedom of movement and putting her full trust in Mistress, If you have no control and you can not move and you feel like you will panic, But you fully trust your Mistress then this is a massive step forward.

Mistress has also darkened up her hair but only for a month to give the colouring a break.

New Clips added to my store lots of Boots, Double Dom, Interrogations, POV



