Good Day to all,Loyal slaves,sissy,whores,the down right trodden,puppets,cash cows,and then to all them that have been following my blog,every single day of 2011.
Well there is not much left of 2011,and when the clock strikes 12 tonight it brings in the new year,a year i want to see bigger and better than last year.
I am starting as i mean to go on,lots and lots of kinky fun and frolics in the chambers,and if you did not meet me in 2011 then make sure as to become one of my puppets for 2012,as you really do not understand how your life could be.
I will step it all up a gear,and i want to break each and every one of you down,mould you in to the perfect slave,pet,sissy,tv that you can possibly be.
Now the run up to xmas and the new year has been what can i say a shambles,subs cancelling,not turning up,just down right silly,but numbers have been stored and this is something i intend sorting for the New Year,it takes a lot to get Mistress angry and that stuff really gets my goat.
Now i want next year,well the Moon and The Stars and everything in between,i want my stable of slaves much bigger on a grander scale,so what i am saying is i want you,stand up and be counted,kneel at my feet,submit to my world.
My new site has just some finishing touches left and then it will be up for all you lucky things,my abduction site will have new photos added also,my members site at will also have new footage,for them that can’t get to visit in person.
I am staying in tonight as i have stated earlier start as i mean to go on,so i will be fresh and accepting new and old subs tomorrow in the chambers,either Leeds or Huddersfield.
If you are lucky and i am feeling generous then i will up load a pic on here when the clock strikes 12 M.A.
LeedsMistressAthena HuddersfieldMistressAthena