Good Morning all,
Well i do realise my post on here are not daily as they use to be but that is simply because i have so much to do,entertains new subs,or should i say them entertaining me.
My London sessions for the 7th of october are going to be put on hold,and this is just because i have so much to do with my college work,so i will be staying in the Huddersfield area untill xmas when i will be doing xmas sessions in the big smoke.
My discount day in Huddersfield is still on the 6th of october so do not hesitate to call as it is always limited.
I had some playtime with one of my online subs,who decided it was time to visit me in person.
Well what can i say another slave to add to my stable,he understood from the moment i opened my mouth that it is always about the Mistress having fun,and that he was just a torso for Mistress to play with,he was however given a safety word but he never used it and that is what Mistress likes.
You can now follow me on twitter and see what Mistress gets up to throughout the day,wether it be in the chambers or else where,the twitter logo is at the top of all my site pages just click on.
I am taking the day to myself today to catch up on things i have been putting of,so i will not be available for sessions today. The members site has had 2 hours of new footage on yesterday so do join and enjoy.
HuddersfieldMistressAthena YorkshireMistressAthena