Good evening,Mistress is back to her old tricks of blogging late at night,i just never got the time today.
Well today the good was that trembler my poorly little sub has been very ill of late,in and out of hospital,but through out it all he has dragged himself in to see his Mistress,and today was no exception.
Trems knew it is my birthday next week and he did not want to miss that,so in he came and the session was wonderful as always,and he presented me with his gift which is lovely so thank you trems.
I then had my breath control sub in,well i say breath control in our previous sessions we had not gone down that road,but it was something my sub was eager to try,so Mistress can not resist having the life of a pathetic sub in my hands,and knowing that i control everything,bliss.
Now i am in Leeds in the morning meeting a Mistress friend of mine,i will be available for sessions in Leeds after my holidays,but i must stress my chambers are in Huddersfield and that is where i play the most and were i am available monday through to sunday.
However i do have the use of my Mistress friends chambers it’s just 5 mins from the city centre,it will be strictly by appointment only,and also with a days notice confirming on the morning,this is purely for the subs that are wanting to see me,and cannot get to me.
Now for the not so good,i have a friend who called today and said as a present for my birthday i was getting flown to spain where i would then be spending a week on a yacht that belongs to his friend,wow i thought it was all expenses paid as it was a birthday treat,but the catch i am going away next wenesday holiday already booked,so i had to turn down i was gutted o say the least,but he has promised that he will figure out some more dates this month or next and my birthday treat is still on.
I had some pictures from todays sessions but my bloody laptop is playing up again,so you cant have them M.A.
huddersfieldMistressAthena LeedsMistressAthena YorkshireMistressAthena