
Good evening,
Mistress was all worn out today,i didn’t return home untill past 11 last night,as i had been at a outcall in Blackburn,with my footslave.
Foot slave really knows that a woman is far more superior to the man,and he knows that we need to be put on a pedestal and admired from afar,and that males are only needed to be called upon when we need the things in life doing we are not prepared to do ourselves,but that does not mean we dislike the male race it just means that they are there for our pleasure.

Foot slave knew only two well never to raise his eyes and look any where Mistress had forbidden him from,his role was to massage and worship my feet,i always want 150% from my slaves no matter what their role is,and i do not want anything less,so he did have to take some punishment through out the session for him to get to where i wanted him to be.

He is know one of my stable of slaves after his initiation yesterday,and the only thing i ask of him is that he gets better and better at the tasks i set him.

Today i had a lie in,first one in a long time,i got up at 8am,lol yes still early but i am normally up at the crack of bird shit,so i got to do all the things i had put of,and even managed to get three subs round and to fix up my garden and put me a new garden gate on,and it look wonderful,all enclosed.

I will be available for sessions tomorrow,as yet its a free day,so if you want to come in and play then do call on 07990761324 M.A

HuddersfieldMistressAthena LeedsMistressAthena LondonMistressAthena