Foot Slave is Sentenced

Good Morning all,

Foot Slave is Sentenced

Mistress was thinking about a picture news page today, but you al like to read a little of the goings on, so instead il just up-load some pictures with the news.

Mistress is available from 10am until late in her Huddersfield Dungeon, West Yorkshire you may call on 07990761324.

I shall be picking up my new latex later today when I get chance, so I am very excited.

Mistress was sentencing my foot slave to a life sentence of Mistresses slave boy.

foot2 foot4 foot6

Now he is already signed into a contract, but this time he was sentenced to a lifetime of slavery, under Mistress oath which he took and read each word out loud to Mistresses.

Foot Slave is very loyal and always has, Its very rare I have to punish him for stepping out of line, he has his Mistress on a pedestal that he can not reach and that’s how Mistress likes it.

Its a sentence of lifetime, but a sentence that he did not ever want to pass up.

foot7 foot8 foot5

Mistress took plenty of pictures to tell the story.

Mistress Athena 07990761324


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