Good Evening all my loyal slaves and followers,
Mistress has finally able to get on to the pc,i no you have all missed me,but the trouble this bloody pc has caused is quite something,but the team has been on the end of the phone,and slave willing was also on hand to work his magic,so a thank-you is in order.
The site has been tweaked with new pictures and it still has some more to come,this will happen over the next few days,so keep your eyes peeled,nothing dramatic just some new images.
I spoke with Mistress Anuska last night,she was around with one of her London Slaves,he has been her sub for a very very long time,she is in great spirits and watch this space is all i can say right now.
My phone has been going crazy today with you slaves wanting to come and play,but i have nothing now available until Monday.
I was in the Leeds Chambers playing with pet slave,and we had lots of fun,i actually have some pictures but they are on the camera and i have not down loaded them yet,they are of just myself dressed in PVC,great shots,pet slave is still quite camera shy but i will bring him out of that for sure in time.
He was dressed in black underwear,sexy bodice and stockings,a real PVC lover is this one,and he was throughout the session trying his hardest to get the privilege to worship my PVC boots and shorts,plus stockings if he was very good,i eased him in gently then upt the anti,are play time started in the Boudoir and then down into the bottom chamber,CBT,TRAMPLING,RESTRAINTS,but to name a few,but as Mistress always says she never reveals the whole session.
As today Mistress was up and down the M62,but i did find time to get in the gym,my one on one gym sessions are quite sadistic on my trainers side,he puts me threw hell,but NO PAIN NO GAIN,so i am afraid i have been put threw hell,so one of you must pay the price for me,i think i need to see someone else suffer,and i think i no just whom this will be on Sunday,my Masochistic slave is in and i think he will be the one to pay the price [smiling Mistress]
I have started a new book,and i can not seem to get enough of it,book worm that i am lol,i should have read the whole thing in two days if i carry on at the speed i am reading it,its amazing BDSM BOOK OF COURSE.
So i have not put the pictures up to the clip that went live earlier today,because of pc problems,so i will upload with this blog.
Mistress Athena Leeds & Huddersfield Dominatrix