Good evening,
well today has been quite interesting as i have had to give up food,well not all of my food as that would be really stupid as i wouldnt exist no more,and where would that leave all of you without your Mistress.
No moral of the storie is this,i start my hard-core diet tomorrow and my intense gym sessions,it should not get in the way of any of my sessions with you all,but it might make me slightly more aggressive than i normally am,lol if that’s at all possible.
I am not no way near over weight i am only wanting to lose a few pounds and tone the rest,i am no stranger to the gym and i love the get fit feel,but with the no smoking and the diet and gym wow all at once it can be quite dramatic.
So this evening in fact all day i have pigged out on everything all my favourite foods and sweets,i am in the studio for a photo shoot next week,so my site will change and also the galleys,i am available as usual until further notice M.A.