Good morning,I hope you enjoyed your valentines day,an I hope it was just filled with beautiful thoughts of your Mistress.
I had a lovely day and received many cards and gifts.
Now yesterday I decided to take my humiliation pig down to the farm an let him get down and dirty an see if the pig of mine could really fit in too a pig lifestyle.
So I stripped him down and on all fours he went I stuck a curly tale and snout on him for the full effect and of he went snorting and oinking around like he was the real thing,a true treat indeed,you see if Mistress says tou are a pig then you are a pig,u do as a pig would do,which means rolling around in mud and stinking of shit,truly a sight worth seeing,I am available all week in the chambers M.A. Leeds/Bradford MistressAthena. 07990761324.