Good evening all,slaves followers and sissy/whores
My last blog sounded like i wanted to hurt you all lol,but you no who it is even Mistresses feel that way out from time to time,and the start of the new year is always a funny one.
Well i have cheered myself up by buying myself a new piece of bondage equipment,so i cannot wait for that arrival,i am also going to indulge in some new whips,the stronger and the more severe the better haha.
My site has been taking some time,due to me,i just can’t make my mind up on my front page,so any ideas please email me,so i think i will put it up anyway and then decide after,its been two long.
My clips site is doing well,and a new clip is going up daily,and it will for the unforeseeable future so keep checking.
I am available for sessions everyday know in the Huddersfield Chambers and the Leeds Chambers.
Huddersfield Mistress Athena Leeds Mistress Athena