Good morning followers,its been quite late of an evening when i am able to sit down and get to write a blog,so i am going to try to write them in a morning,we shall see.
Its very unusual that i get a call from two subs who are friends and are wanting to come in for a double session,but that is what happend,and it was quite an eye opener to see how submissive the pair was,and how much alike,the only differnnce being one was a little bit more dumber than the other,hence the title of the blog.
When i say dumb more just silly,and me as a Mistress had to whip them both into shape,i had them both in very uncomfortable bondage done on purpose of course,just to show the sheer power i have and to make them feel the pain all at once,and try as the did to escape it was impossible,they could see each other from one side of the room to the other,but they couldnt make contact as i had gagged there tiny mouths and put elastic around there heads over there eyebrows for no movment what so ever.
Whilst in bondage there feet was the only things they could tell me something with,left for yes and right for no,so as i proceededto fire questions at them whilst the other looked on,the one that i was with at that time took the punishment and sheer torture for any questions got wrong,you see if you are a true follower of MistressAthena and i start to ask you about my profile on my blog and you cannot answer these simple questions,then you are not as loyal as you make out.
The session lasted quite along time but dumb and dumber have now joined my ever growing stable of slaves M.A. 07990761324 LeedsMistressAthena