The Dominant Woman & The Vanilla Men

Good Evening all

The Dominant Woman & The Vanilla Men, well how does this work, well I shall tell you

A woman a Powerful Woman, the type of woman that exceeds Dominance.

The type of woman that commands respect, and she will get it.

The woman that when entering a room, makes the crowd go silent.

Its in the way she walks, the way she talks and the air of power she has surrounding her.

Shes a no nonsense woman and only shows respect to them who respect her.

She has no time for others that are not loyal to the core.

Shes smart and alluring, and she likes the power, she has a love for the art of BDSM.

The vanilla men, they have never ventured into this part of the world.

This is a dark world which they know nothing about.

But it intrigues them.

They live day to day doing the mundane things that life has to offer, but always wondering.

When the vanilla men see such a POWERFUL WOMAN, there mind clouds over, and they start to imagine the power she would have over them.

They see inside there mind a film that they are playing, which has them submitting to such a woman.

These images they can not free themselves from, and that is when it starts.

First it was just a thought that intrigued them, then it became a reality.

Athena Powers

Mistress Athena

Sessions available in Huddersfield