Good Morning early rises,or them that have been caged up for the night and the light of day has just reached your tired eyes.
Yesterday i closed the chambers as i was having some work done there,i am keeping the chambers closed today also as it’s what i call my catch up day,so from tomorrow i will be available as usual.
I had a very nice day yesterday as i went over to Leeds to visit the wonderful MistressDavina,whom may i say is looking fantastic with her new hair style.
We spent most of the day laughing and chatting it was a great day i took along my pet pooch Miss Daisy Duke as Mistress Davina had not yet met her in person,and Miss Daisy Duke was in her element playing and being her usual cute little self.
I said in an earlier blog MistressDavina has come out of retirement she just cant get enough of you poor pathetic subs.
I have give you two parts on the victim i will upload later the 3rd and final part for you all,and will give you some pictures not of the victim but random ones from over the last week.