Good Morning All,
Mistress had one hell of a day yesterday,starting with a near fall down the bloody stairs,i just seemed to slip, don’t no how and before i knew it i was half way down the stairs with my leg and arm bent back,but still holding on to my precious pooch Miss Daisy,she was raised above my head and out of harms way,and that’s the way it should be,but me well i went with a right bang,hit the steps like a lead balloon,my leg was hurting for most of the day,but luckily for me i was raised to get straight back up no matter what has happened,and that’s what i did,and now i am 95% luckily.
So not long after it was of to the Chambers to see Slave Trems,now our sessions can vary from very mild to very sadistic,and today someone else needed to feel my pain,and it so happened this was to be trems,he was restrained and then subjected to,different implements,and then put down on his knees,where Bastinado took place with a thick leather strap,followed by caning of the tops of the shoulders,so as the title says cry me a river that’s just what he did,and then showed his devotion to his Mistress.
My house is now filled with my favourite flowers Lilly s,so thank you Trems.
New clips have gone up School Girl Revenge Part 2 & Beaten Balls for my Amusement…Ball Busting Love it Love It.
I did realise i never put pictures from my Face Slapping clip up here for you all,so i will add them with this blog,along with pictures from the two clips that have gone live,Mistress is not available today or this evening,and have no availability now for tomorrow,but i am back as normal on Monday,call on 07990761324 for enquires.
Huddersfield Mistress Athena…Leeds Dominatrix
All films filmed at the Chambers Of Depravation Leeds