Chilled Out Saturday

Good Evening all my loyal and humble,slaves and followers,

Mistress has done nothing much today only chill out watch tv,and rest and have my Slave T,wait on  me hand and foot,it was just what i needed as i have a Filming and Photo shoot tomorrow which will be a long day,as it can be quite hard work changing into different outfits lol.

I have also not answered my Phone Line today,as i completely decided to dedicate the day to myself,with no interruptions, i have looked and now seen alot of missed calls,Mistress will be back to take calls tomorrow,but you will have to keep trying because if i am busy with photos and filming i will not be able to take the call straight away.

I must dash as i have to meet slave Cameron,but will give you all an update tomorrow evening about the shoot,i have uploaded a new clip TV CANING,naughty suzi needed to be punished and i was the one that gave it her.

Huddersfield Mistress Athena    Leeds Dominatrix