Good evening,well is 12am as i write this blog,well no rest for the wicked haha,well not really wicked just very sadistic and i love it.
I am in the leeds chambers tomorow well today really,i shall be there from 10am as i have a session in at half past but if any of you would like to see me tommorow in the chamber of deprivation leeds,then call me on 07990761324,i am in both huddersfield and leeds on friday,and as yet have a free weekend so come and play.
I have seen a few of my long term subjects over the last few days,one in particlar trembler had to go back to basice,just because he simply dosnt listen,so he was stripped down to the bare essentials,and took back to the begining,and showed the right way,which put him back on the right path.
I had a newbi in today,not just new to me but new to the scene,these i love with a passion,teaching them from scratch ,learning them about subbmission,the collor,the art of bdsm,the power controll,oh the list is endless,well what can i say,amazing another follower for ones self.
I eased him in because thats what i do,gently pushing and gettingin ones mind,then before one nos whats happening,i catch them in my web,like a spider with its pray,only i dont eat them i just play,twisted torment,pain and pleasure there is nothing quite like me in my chambers M.A. 07990761324