I have been at the chambers of deprivation in leeds for a hile now,and it is going from strength tp strength,i have the most amazing sessions over there.
The equipment is amazing and i totally become the powerful mistress that you all no i am.
I have started giving out a points system,what it is is my Mistress points list,which you all get when you come to me,you start of on 100 points,and if you do things that Mistress dosnt like or you have earned a punishment of any kind,you will have points deducted from your list.
The things you do that i approve of,mand them that will not in any way annoy there mistress and always do as you have been told,will get points added.
Every 3 months you will be given your list to look over,and you will see were you are going wrong and learn to improve and become the perfect slave.
They can only be one number 1 slave now its time to find out if you have what it takes M.A.