Today was the slave halloween party of the Chamber Of Deprevation in leeds,It started from 2pm and finished at 10 pm,i attended and was there from the begining,i just was not lucky enough to stay till the end.
When i got there i noticed how much had been done to get it in the spooky mood and really get shivers down the slaves baks lol.
On arrival there was the wonderful MistressDavina well what can i say about her she is truly amazing and i am glad to call her a friend,she is an extreamly wonderful mistress and does not take no shit.
There was the delectable MadamFirefly who as always is the life and soul of anywere,she is someone who lifts your spirits,and as a mistress she is the one not to mess with,she will put you in your place no questions asked.
Then there was MiatressValentina,whom i have never met before but so glad that i have,she is mesmerising to the eye,and all tho i didnt spend much time with her,thats because she was two busy punnishing one of her slaves,and punnish him she did.
Then there was MistressUbervixen now im not quite sure if i have spelt that correct but i tried,she is another mesmerising beuty,i would tell any one who dare to have a double session with her and MistressValentina.
And then of course the is the 1 and only MistressTania,you will of all heard of her she has been one of the top mistresses for as long as i can remember,and that showed today as i watched on as she played and punished her slave laughing all the while..
What can i say what a fantastice time was had,they will be pictures for all to see,the place was wall to wall with slaves and i wished i could of stayed longer but i had something to do,but im glad to be part of that world and if any one would like to see myself or any of the other mistresses in leeds,then all you need to do is call me for myself,or for anyone else i have mentioned go on visiting mistresses on you wont be disapointed M.A.