Good morning,due to a couple of cancelations,i have some time today so if anyone would like to come through for a session do not hesitate to call on 07990761324.
I decided to go over to my favourite fetish shop yesterday at cathouse and have a look threw the rubber section.
I had to try a delightful outfit on,and what can i say fited like a glove,so i purchased it,i mean what is a Mistress such as myself to do.
You will get to see this when my new pictures go up,and the sight will then change slightley,i would advise any one to go take a look on the cathouse website,or even drop by you will not be disapointed.
I had some new toys delivered which i told you all about on a earlier blog,now i have just purchased a breath control bag,i used to have one before but some silly slave put his hand straight threw,so i am dying to play with this,i shal also make a film for the members site based on this breath bag,its bloody wonderful.
Well its time to leave the blog for now,but i will be updating you all on the carry on in my world and my puppets sessions M.A