
Good Day all,
just a quick note,due to some cancellations tomorow saturday and sunday,i have free time if any of you would like to come in to the chambers,i have had my new cage delivered this morning and what a peice it is,6ft tall with a trap door,and i carnt wait to put one of you inside and play.

I have a photo shoot on sunday morning but that will not last longer than an hour,the pictures will be with you middle of next week,so just scroll through my site and you will see them pop up all over the place. because times are hard and alot of you are finding it difficult,and have sent me alot of requests wanting to join,the price will be put down untill the finacial crisis gets a little better,god im so good to you all.

HuddersfieldMistressAthena YorkshireMistressAthena