Athenas Realm

Good evening all,
Mistress has been busy in the chambers with Roxy the tart and my serious ball busting ben,wow can he take a kicking.
Mistress was using all the technic that i learned on the occasions i went to kick boxing classes,and what can i say i had him drop to his knees,it was inevitable that is what Mistress does makes you drop to your knees.

I have also been to look at an old mill that a friend of mine owns,he told me that he wanted to know if i would like to turn one of the rooms into a chamber,so of i went and well what can i say amazing to say the least,its massive and beams everywhere the perfect place for me and to play from,i am so excited about this project.
The only thing is it needs a little work doing at the moment but he is on with that,so i am planning in the next couple of months i should be in their fingers crossed.
I am available in my Huddersfield chambers until then,these new chambers by the way will also be in Huddersfield.
Well athenasrealm my members site is doing really well,and if you would like to join or get clips then go to M.A.