An outing for Myself and TV Justine

Good evening all,

Mistress is still under the weather can you believe it,just can not seem to shift this sore throat and cold,it has not however stopped me from playing,but after this blog,i am jumping into a red hot bubble bath,and taking my tablets and hoping i will shift it,as i have a hell of a busy week ahead.

Today i was out with my TV Justine on an outside humiliation playtime,she was dressed in all her glory,and looking the fantastic TV that she is,i had placed a butt plug in her,and attached some rope for a little discomfort and to let her no,that even as we was outside i was still very much in charge.

I sent her to the hair dresses,to let them take a look at her hair to see if they could do anything with it,and made her tape the conversation on the phone,just so that i could have a giggle,and it did make me giggle,as her hair is a wig,and she was asking for a perm,but i must say the hairdressers was ever the professionals.
Then it was into the town,where we did a little shopping,and Justine was trying on bras and pretty tops,but when we sat down to eat,i let her pick what she wanted then left it on the table infront of her,so she could just imagine what it tasted like,as i had handcuffed her and she could only watch me eat.

I had her doing quite alot of different things,and then it was back to the chambers for some playtime,but she did have a punishment to come,for a couple of mistakes she had made,and they came in the form of nipple torture.
My TV’S name is Justine,and it will stay Justine,unless i wish to change it,i no it has tried to be changed but this is not to be,i have pictures from the trip on her camera and as soon as they have been sent over i will put them up for you all to read.

Miss Kitty Bliss is over this weekend,so that should be fun,really looking forward to it,but as i said i am very busy before this, and have no availability at all now left this week,i will be available for sessions on Monday the 30th.

I have put a new clip on my clip store so do enjoy and i will be back with you all tomorrow Mistress Athena