Good Morning all,well as you all know i had a some time filming and photo shoots so these will all be with you shortly,the pictures will appear on my blog and twitter and facebook,the videos on
I took some pictures whilst in session yesterday with slave suck,very nervous slave suck should i say,and what makes him more nervous is the fact that someone whom he may know could stumble over them whilst they are for all to see on here[ha ha]
They will be uploaded sunday evening,so slave suck enjoy haha.
I am MistressAbduction later my alter ego,and it will be one special victim that will be bundled into a car and took from the real world into my world,and will be freed after mentle physical torture and hours of fun for me,if i ever releases him we shall see.
It’s great to know MistressDavina my very good friend will be returning,back in the Mistress saddle where she should be,so i am sure there is quite a lot of you out there that are happy to know this.